Democamp was back on last night at the Imperial Pub. It was back to its root with a small crowded venue with hard to hear and see demos. I think with a 2nd speaker near the back would probably fix all this and the location was certainly work-able. It was also a lot of the Torcamp crowd. It looks like Democamp will be going to a monthly schedule which is pretty awesome and should help new people attend.

I arrived late and only cause the Kontagent demo near the end. I did see all the ignite presentations. One of the most interesting presentations was the N8T TXT project, which sends Haikus via SMS project. I thought it was really interesting that he’s using 416 number to sent a Haiku based on your current location, which you provide in the SMS text. Using a short code for this type of project would have been extremely expensive and using the 416 number gets around that.

There was also a lot of networking at the event and I was able to meet a few of Greg Wilson’s students, some that I’d love to hire 😉 Overall it was great to see Democamp back in action and I’m looking forward to future nights.

Update:  I forgot to mention the Sun “Camera” give away at DemoCamp.  There was a Sun Startup Essentials rep at DemoCamp last night collecting business cards for a server give-away and Mesh ticket draw.   For entering you also received a USB “Camera”, unfortunatel the “Camera” turned out to be USB power flashlight.  I’m wondering if this is actually the Sun Server prize

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