DemoCampToronto8 took place last night at No Regrets. The usual crowd was all there with the addition of Amber Mac and Leo Leoporte from the Inside the Net podcast and their TV show Call for Help. The venue was improved by the rental of an audio system help everyone hear the presentations. One big advantage of the No Regrets venue is that beer is served during the demos. The demos this time were:

1/ WildApricot
WildApricot recently launched their product to public and I have been setting it up for a small golf tournament I’m organizing. Its a great tool for organizing informal groups and has a capability to track memberships and special event costs. Its a very slick product and Dmitry did a good job showing off the product. I was surprised that the product is written in .NET as there are a lot of features that it could quickly inherit from open-source projects, like forums and web chat. It would be interesting to see if it can evolve at the same pace using the .NET platform.


Jobloft is an employment site focused primarily on the retail employment sector with its high transient employment base and location specific needs. Jobloft has integrated an a job list with the Google maps API to provide location specific listings from a variety of retail employers. By targeting retail they hope to avoid Workopolis and some of the bigger employment sites. They have also built the ability for partners and schools to include jobs within a proximity to their location. This makes it easy to partner with schools looking to help their students.

3/ provides the ability to upload and host media files from a variety of sources, including your picture/video phone. The service seems to be heavily dependent on flash and has a very good visual interface. The system provides the ability to schedule large files transfers in the background. I thought one of the most impressive parts was the ability to automagically publish to a variety of blog services. Its not really clear what this business model is and how they will be able to scale to the massive amounts of bandwidth required.

4/ Languify
Languify provided a demo on a tool to manage multiple language files. With many languages and sometimes different maintainers it can be difficult to administer all the different language files. Languify provides a defined tool set to provide a web interface for managing these files. The tool has some potential and could be extended to use automated machine translation services or pool from existing translations for the same english phrase. I’m not sure the commercial potential for this sort of application but its interesting.

5/ How to Measure the Success of Your Web Service

Mike McDerment
cheated and did a presentation, using a web page instead of power point, on web metrics. He focused on explain a conversion funnel which was kinda painful for anyone in marketing but I think was well suited for the developer heavy crowd. It would have been good to see the Google Analytics funnel, even with fake date, though instead of the static web page.

Overall it was great to see Toronto based start-ups succeeding and the quality of the demos shown was extremely high.

One Response

  1. “kinda painful for anyone in marketing” – so true, so true.

    Good to see you there Colin, and nice write up here.

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