Paul Ferreira MPP York South Weston Campaign ADAD phone spam

Just say No to Paul Ferreira and his Automated Dialer. For the past 2 days I’ve been getting recorded phone calls from Paul’s Campaigning telling me to say “No to the McGuinty’s 40,000 pay raise”. I’m pretty sure McGuinty doesn’t deserve a pay increase but with this sort of stupidity I don’t think Paul Ferreira deserves to get elected. Oh and did I mention I’m don’t live in the riding where Paul is running? Apparently my number shares the same prefix with some of the numbers in his riding so he decided to call us all… Good luck Paul, your not off to a good start.

I had a similar problem with ADAD ( automated dialing and announcement devices ) a few months ago when Rogers decided to spam with calls about an overdue cable bill. My account status was in good standing but for some reason the collection agency that Roger’s cable employed kepy calling my number. The CRTC is suppose to regulate this sort of stupidity but for some reason they allow collection agencies to spam people. Even worst they provide no recourse when the ADAD goes wrong. Haven’t they seen the Terminator movies?

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